
As you may have noticed, I changed the look of my blog. I am still in the process of tweaking it to make it look better, but the big transition from a WordPress.com to a wordpress.org blog has been completed, thanks to my Husband, who sent me to see the Valentine’s Day (B-) movie with my girlfriend but sat home all day transferring my files. Now that’s romantic.

Read this in The Times today and I liked it. It’s part of an article called “Love in a hard place” aka NYC. This may not be the warmest place, or the prettiest, but it’s not a war zone, people! Its just a city. Anyway, here it is:

Puppy Love: Lost, Found

We got our dog, a King Charles spaniel, a couple of months after we got engaged, a first tender step toward the responsibilities and compromises of building a life together. We were lucky to live a block from Central Park; I was even luckier that he was the one who walked our dog, Bowie, there in the early morning, rain or shine.

One frigid February morning I awoke to a breathless phone call from my betrothed. Bowie was gone, having disappeared into the wilds of the Ramble in pursuit of a fluttering sparrow.

While I sprinted in pajamas through a traffic light, then a gantlet of evergreen boughs, I imagined our 7-month-old, 15-pound, pink-tummied puppy flattened by a taxi, drifting on an ice floe in the Jackie O. reservoir or clutched in the talons of Pale Male.

I made a singular promise. Whatever happened, as long as I lived, I would never blame the loss of our dog on my future husband.

Drawing near the southern edge of the Great Lawn, I spotted them in the distance: a man kneeling down with a mud-caked puppy; my family reunited.

We walked home together quietly through the dappled light that bathes the park at that hour. I let out a deep breath. People always say that having a dog teaches you how to love someone in a straightforward, unconditional way. Sometimes, that someone is not the dog

My husband just brought home the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. Call me crazy, but the photography in this issue seems a little off, no? The girls are more than gorgeous, phenomenal really, although the pictures seem a little bit strained to me.

I dont think its just me being a jealous bitch, ’cause my hub noticed it too. Some of the smaller pictures that they collaged seem like they are better shots than the blown up ones.

Either way, I think the Olympians STOLE THE SHOW! Those girls are HOT and awesome!The painted on bathing suit spread featured the girlfriends or wives of soccer stars.  Would you ever be able to post naked like this? I think maybe I would, but HOW could I sit there while someone painted me? Crazy! What was your favorite section?

These beddings from Ankasa. Like or no? I want a BEDCOVER to go over my duvet that I sleep with. This should be a blanket of some sort. I kinda like the loose embroidered look of the first picture. I need to get something feminine/granny/grungy in this room NOW because it’s starting to look like we hold porno auditions here. Seriously.

British fashion designer Alexander McQueen was found dead at his London home on Thursday, his spokeswoman said. He was 40 years old. HERE. It’s so sad that so often the people with such creativity and talent are so troubled. 

Last year, we had a massive snowstorm and my friend Caroline came over and we baked all day and watched Roman Holiday. Now whenever its too yucky to go out and you have to stay home and bake, I think of it as a Roman Holiday. Today I’m trying these Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies from HERE. You should too.

Absolute BEST vegan chocolate chip cookies!!

Ingredients (use vegan versions):

3/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup non-dairy margarine (I use Earth Balance)
1/2 cup light brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar (I use vanilla-infused granulated sugar)
1/2 vanilla bean
1/4 cup plain unsweetened yogurt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups chocolate chips


1. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.

2. In a bowl, combine whole wheat flour, all-purpose flour, and salt.

3. In another bowl, cream together non-dairy margarine, brown sugar, and white sugar with a fork. Scrape and add the contents of your vanilla bean. Mix in non-dairy yogurt and vanilla extract until incorporated (save the leathery outside of the vanilla bean to make your own vanilla sugar!).

4. Mix in the flour and chocolate chips. Roll the dough into ping-pong sized balls and bake for 18 to 20 minutes. Allow to cool on cookie sheet. This dough can also be rolled and frozen to cut later!

xposted to my blog (http://neuroticvegan.blogspot.com/).

Gray Nail Polish. Why, oh why are you on my nails? EW.

Everyone flipped last month when they saw the master bath Steven Gambrel created using Silver Travertine featured in Elle Decor.

I have been a long time fan of Silver Travertine, because it blankets the floor of the lobby of my building! I was even going to use it to cover the window sills/built-ins in my living and dining. (Until I found out how much it costs and realized that I can never take that with me when I sell.) At least I get to see it every day even if it’s not in my own apartment! The famous bathroom by Gambrel.

Entryway pics via Kara’s Kottage.
Silver Travertine and Calcutta Gold marble are my two favorite stones. Whats yours?